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Selasa, Desember 21, 2010

Panen Uang di Dunia Maya

Ada lagi sebuah situs di dunia maya (www.paybox.me) yang menawarkan penghasilan lumayan.....
ya karena setiap ada teman kita yang registrasi melalui akun yang kita, maka akan mendapatkan uang $ 10....

tidak dipungut biaya 1 rupiah pun...
silahkan dicoba..... sapa tau suatu saat nanti kita bisa sama-sama panen raya,...... :D
Selamat Mencoba.... !!!!

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Kamis, Mei 07, 2009

The Efforts Of Educated Unemployment Through Entrepreneurship Development Center In The State University of Makassar

Nowadays, one of the phenomena that occur in Indonesia, namely unemployment. Unemployment has been growing because of new job seekers is greater than the number of employment opportunities every year. Ironically, unemployment is dominated by the open circles that have a significant educational qualification. Unemployment of the educated unemployed is referred to as the educated.
Efforts that can be done to tackle unemployment is to create educated entrepreneurs from among students who are able to provide new employment and gave them any skills that match market needs. These can be done through training in entrepreneurship students. Implementation of the training is done through student entrepreneurship training centers in the State University of Makassar (UNM). This is based on the UNM vision that is as central to education, the review, development and education, science, technology, and a conception of art and educational entrepreneurship.
Writing this paper aims to understand the efforts of educated unemployment through entrepreneurship development training center student at the State University of Makassar. It applied with the concept of entrepreneurship training students are expected alumnus of UNM have the knowledge and skills appropriate to the needs of companies so that they easily get a job. In addition, it is expected that the creation of new entrepreneurs who are able to create employment so that the number of unemployment can be reduced.
Unemployment is a phenomenon where the work force does not get a job. According to Tyas (2005), unemployment is the labor force that is not working but are seeking full-timers who work in search of work. According Mariyanti, unemployment is the proportion of labor force that does not work. Unemployment has passed a formal school called educated unemployment. Djojonegoro (2008) states that the educated unemployed are those who have a graduate education qualification enough but still do not have a job. Unemployment of educated high school graduates, vocational high school , diploma programs, and universities.
According Martaja (2009), the criteria is the educated unemployed university graduates, both D1, D2, D3, S1, S2 and S3 is not a job, and they predicated as job seekers.
One of the important part is the entrepreneur in entrepreneurship. The entrepreneurial raised by Haruman (2008:2) who states that: entrepreneur is a person that is capable of combining various factors of production to create something new and have added value through a process called entrepreneurship. So the most fundamental essence of entrepreneurship is the occurrence of innovations that aim to improve welfare.
An entrepreneur must be able to create employment. Thus, the people who work as a result of the employment created by entrepreneurs will be help in the fulfillment of their needs. Entrepreneurs is a combatant subjugate themselves to the community with education and has existed with its own ability to help meet the needs of the community that increasing employment opportunities and expand (http://www.e-dukasi.net).
Entrepreneurship is a positive response to obtain business opportunities and services for others. According to Dalimunthe (2004), is the entrepreneurial spirit, behavior and ability to give positive responses to the opportunities that benefit themselves and / or better services, and create and provide a more useful product (http://digilib.usu.ac . id).
This will be discussed in this research is entrepreneurship students. By looking at the description of entrepreneurship, it can be mentioned that the entrepreneurial students are students as entrepreneurs who have the willingness, attitude, behavior, and the spirit, courage and bear the financial risk, psychiatric, social, and in managing a business with the goal of improving the welfare of self and community through fulfillment of community needs and expand employment.
Type of this paper is the study of literature (library research). Data and information used from various literature that are relevant to the issues raised. Literature in the form of books and articles from the internet media. After collecting data and information, and all results are reduced its relevanted problem with the review. The process of continuous problem which will be discussed that is descriptive data are analyzed, in a way to identify factors associated with the concept of entrepreneurship development training center students at UNM will be applied in an effort to tackle unemployment educated.
Educated unemployment is pengangguan consisting of circles that have a graduate education qualification enough. Graduates from the university occupy the largest amount of unemployment in the educated. Educated unemployment occur not merely because of lack of employment but also because the knowledge and expertise-degree graduates produced by universities or high schools have the skills gap with the standards set by the company. Therefore, universities should provide students with the knowledge and skills appropriate to the needs of employment.
Entrepreneurship is an effort that can be done in providing employment. But the fact is, entrepreneurship has not been owned by most people and students in the universities in Indonesia. The cause of entrepreneurship does not develop in some universities, including UNM because of the entrepreneurial learning is still limited to certain departments. In addition, there are several factors that lead to a less entrepreneurial applied or developed among the students that the traditional pattern of thought, lack of motivation and enthusiasm, the nature of the introvert degree, influence the success of the ethics process less respect, safety-spirited player, weaknesses in leadership, influence feudality new style, fear does not have any social status, and the fear of taking risks. Therefore, the need to develop an entrepreneurial training center students at UNM-based technology. Training centers will be implemented through learning in the classroom, technology practices, and implementation of entrepreneurship. In general, the activities include, Lectures Entrepreneurship, College of Real Business, Consulting and Job Placement, Internships Entrepreneurship, Alternative Student Work, and the New Entrepreneurial incubation. After training in entrepreneurship center in UNM students applied, then the expected alumnus of UNM are able to work in a company or a firm of entrepreneurs who create employment.
Based on the explanation, it can disimpulan that the efforts of educated unemployment can be done through the process of entrepreneurial learning in the classroom, technology practices, and implementation of entrepreneurial activities by the students directly through the center of training students in entrepreneurship based on technology in the State University of Makassar. The activities of training in entrepreneurship, which will be implemented, namely College Entrepreneurship, College of Real Business, Consulting and Job Placement, Internships entrepreneurship, Alternative Student Work, and the New Entrepreneurial incubation. Therefore, it is recommended to the UNM to consider the concept of entrepreneurship training centers so that students can develop the concept at UNM. While the government is expected to not only focus on the level of open unemployment, but also trying to press the number of educated unemployment.

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